What is the Flower for December?

December is finally here and usually that means festivities! At Magic Flower Company, we believe adding a touch of enchantment to your homes is a perfect way to embrace the magic this season. What better way to do so than with the flower that embodies the spirit of December? But, what is the flower for December and what does it mean?


What Does December’s Flower Symbolise?

The December flower, the Poinsettia and is a symbol of festive elegance and joy. It is known for its vibrant red and green colour which perfectly mirrors the festive spirit of the season. This makes it the perfect addition to your home during this merry time.


Why is Poinsettia Perfect for Your Home?

The rich red of the Poinsettia complements the traditional Christmas decorations while adding a touch of elegance. Its green leaves provide a delightful contrast, evoking nature even in the heart of winter. We suggest pairing it with metallic accents or white decorations to really compliment the colour.


How To Car For A Poinsettia Flower?

Consider placing Poinsettias in well-lit areas, away from draughts and severe temperatures, when adding them into your house. To prevent root rot, keep the soil evenly wet and drain excess water. Your Poinsettia will retain its vivid colours if properly cared for throughout the holiday season.


How to Incorporate Poinsettia’s into your Home Décor ?

Table Centrepieces

Create a captivating centrepiece by placing a cluster of Poinsettias in a decorative pot. Add candles, pinecones, or ornaments for an extra festive touch. This arrangement can be a conversation starter during your holiday gatherings.

Mantelpiece Magic

Transform your mantelpiece into a winter wonderland by flanking it with Poinsettias in varying sizes. Intertwine fairy lights or string lights to enhance the magical atmosphere, making it a captivating focal point.

Wreath Wonders

Craft a unique wreath using Poinsettias, pine branches, and berries. Hang it on your front door to welcome guests with the warmth and charm of the season.

How To Make Them Last longer? 

Poinsettias are resilient plants, capable of adapting to various conditions. By maintaining a consistent care routine, you encourage the plant to thrive. Moreover, their ability to endure low light conditions makes them versatile, allowing you to enjoy their beauty in different areas of your home.

 Additionally Magic Flower Company can preserve bespoke flowers and bouquets to ensure you can embrace the magic all year around. If you’re looking to create the perfect Christmas flower, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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