Sweet Smelling Flowers to Use in Your Home

As we approach a new year, the post-Christmas clean up may be something you’re dreading. But with a new year comes a fresh start, so what better time to spruce up your living space than with flowers. Not only do florals add a vibrancy to your space, but their sweet fragrance also adds a beautiful touch to your home.

Here’s an insight on some of the top blooms to elevate your fragrance game next year.


Roses are not only elegant in looks but also have a sweet, intoxicating scent. From classic red roses to vivid yellows and delicate pinks, each hue has its own unique fragrance that will fill your space with the most delightful smell.


This is a warm summer evening scent and a usual crowd favourite. Its sweet, heady smell is released from its small, delicate flowers. It often is associated with calmness and relaxation, so is the perfect addition to your home. You only need a few sprigs to create an ambiance of tranquillity.


Known for its soothing properties, this purple flower is more than just a pretty plant. It’s fresh, clean scent has a calming vibe which explains its typical use for aromatherapy and relaxation. Bringing a bouquet of preserved lavender into your home can create a sweet, herbaceous aroma that exudes serenity. 


Their creamy white petals exude a mesmerising fragrance, which is why it is often chosen for perfumes or home scents. Stay natural by using an arrangement of fresh gardenias to give your space a rich, intoxicating aura.


These are clusters of little, dainty flowers that emit a heavenly scent, that bloom in springtime. Their nostalgic aroma is both sweet and refreshing, making them the perfect complement to your environment. 

Brighten up your new year with the help of these lovely, sweet-smelling flowers. Hopefully, this guide helps you to choose the perfect addition to your home or working space.

We understand the importance of prolonging beauty, but still having the gorgeous fragrance from your flowers. Our preserved flower arrangements are made to last, for months or even years. If you’re looking for a special gift for a loved one, or would like to browse our selection of florals, visit our website to see find our more. Alternatively, contact our friendly team to see how we can help you

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